Hi there! We are Thomas and Erin, a couple living in the Pacific Northwest who are planning an adventure. We’ve both been feeling burned out on the typical 8-5 grind we’ve been living for so long. It’s time for a change! We’re still working out the details, but the ultimate goal is to be location-independent within the next 1-2 years.

We’re launching this site to document our journey and the planning behind it so that others can get ideas, learn from our mistakes, and find the motivation to chase their own dreams. So much of our motivation has come from following others on similar journeys, so it seems only natural to share our story in the same way.

In addition to documenting our planning, we’ll also be posting helpful guides and reviews related to exploring some of the amazing things the PNW has to offer. There are amazing spots for camping, hiking, backpacking, snowboarding and skiing, snowshoeing, climbing mountains, and so much more, all less than a 2-hour drive from where we live. We’re excited to share those with you, including our own experiences and photos from each destination.

So where does the name “Just Be A Leaf” come from? If you’ve ever watched a leaf floating down a stream, you’ve probably noticed how it changes course often. It might seem like it’s on one path until an obstacle causes it to take a sudden, unexpected detour. We like to approach travel the same way. No matter how big or small an adventure is, nothing ever goes exactly according to plan. There will always be unexpected obstacles, delays, and detours. So as we set out on this new adventure, we want to do so with the mindset of a leaf, that goes with the flow no matter how many obstacles we may come across. Any time something unexpected happens, we will strive to just be a leaf.

Categories: Planning


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