Right now our journey has almost entirely consisted of plans that we’ve spoken out loud with no real action taken. It’s a weird limbo to be in because it feels like we’re not actually doing anything. We’ve sold off a few things, but our mindset has mostly been thinking about things we need to do later. Renting a travel trailer followed by going to look at other options at a dealer is the closest we’ve come to taking real action.

One piece of advice I’ve heard consistently for people in the planning phase is to set a date. But our plans are largely dependent on our teenager finishing school and going through with his plan to move to Japan. Anyone who has teenagers knows how their “plans” can change on an hourly basis. So until he gets closer to his goal, we can’t take that advice. That’s tough because some days it feels like we’re just daydreaming instead of taking action.

But there is one important thing we can work on now. Moving into a smaller space means getting rid of a lot of stuff we have accumulated over the last 8+ years. However, starting this journey will require more than just selling some things. An important part of this new lifestyle will be changing our mindset to think smaller, and that can start now.

Christmas was great practice for that! We constantly had to think about what we were buying and how, or if, that would work in a smaller space. We’ve both started asking ourselves questions like “Do we really need that?”, “Where would that fit in a travel trailer?”, “Is there a smaller option that does the same thing?”.

It also affects what others give us as gifts and we had a couple of family members mention that this year. I feel like the holiday season forced us to start that shift in mindset. As we start 2022 in a few days we will focus on continuing that change.

Categories: Planning


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