Hey there! We are Thomas and Erin and we’re planning.. something. We’re not quite sure yet, but we’re ready for a change and want to document our journey. Check out our first post for more details on that.

Meet Erin

My name is Erin and I’m a born and raised West Texan. After some time at The University of Texas (Hook ’em!), I decided to become a flight attendant which allowed me to travel the country and the world. It was at this time in my life that a pilot introduced me to the phrase “be a leaf”. I was struggling with the unknowable chaos that was life as a flight attendant immediately after 9/11. He gave me the visual I needed to close my eyes, breathe, and go with the flow; obstacles be damned.

In 2003 I took a break from traveling when I became a mother and settled down again in Texas while I raised an exceptional little boy. When he was 7 we moved to Nashville, TN, where my brother and his family had lived for years. Little did I know, I would meet my soulmate the next year through mutual friends. Two years later we were married in Maui and life really took off!

By 2016, my health was faltering and we learned that medical cannabis could provide relief for what I was experiencing. It wasn’t legal in TN, so we began to search for our next home. We landed in Camas, WA, a gorgeous town near Portland, OR. We’ve been lucky enough to spend the last 5 years exploring indescribably beautiful areas along the west coast.

Now that our baby is officially 18, Thomas and I are about to be empty nesters. Because of my health issues, we’ve decided it’s time to start the adventure we’ve always dreamt of sooner rather than later. While I can walk, let’s walk! While I can climb, let’s climb (within reason… Thomas is the mountain scaler). Life is short and adventure awaits!

Meet Thomas

Hi, I’m Thomas and I was born and raised in Nashville, TN. From a young age, I was drawn to computers and started writing code and making websites before most people even knew what the internet was. Despite being a nerd, I’ve always enjoyed sports and been pretty active. I was a serious runner for several years, then switched to ice hockey when I was 33. Anything to get away from that dreadful Tennessee heat.

Around that same time, I was part of a happy hour group that met every Friday after work. One week I noticed a new face in the crowd and we ended up talking for hours. Fast forward 2 years and we were standing on a beach in Maui getting married. 3 years after that we moved to the west coast where I fell in love with the outdoors.

Growing up in the oppressive heat of the south I had never really enjoyed being outside other than on a boat where I could jump in the water to cool off. But living in WA is different. There’s so much natural beauty that’s so amazing it doesn’t even feel real sometimes. I started hiking, set and accomplished a goal of climbing Mount Saint Helens, and got Erin addicted to camping.

We’ve enjoyed traveling as long as we’ve known each other, but living in the PNW has really opened our eyes to just how many amazing places there are to explore. One of our favorite travel podcasts always asks the question “If not now, then when?”, and that sums up our thoughts on this journey perfectly. As my step-son begins his own adventure into the world of adulthood, we are also starting our own new adventure. Much like him, we don’t know exactly where we’re headed just yet, but we never will if we don’t get started. So.. here we go!

Meet Boots

Boots was our beloved tuxedo cat who lived a long life in 3 different states, and was co-pilot as Thomas drove across the country in 2016. He never met a fuzzy blanket or treat that he didn’t like, and he was the only member of our family who enjoyed running through the house full speed at 3am. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Boots in 2021, but it wouldn’t feel right to start this journey without acknowledging how much he means to us.