A couple of weeks ago I went over the fears and hesitations I have about embarking on this journey. To keep things balanced I want to discuss the positive things I’m looking forward to as well. Since we started thinking about the travel lifestyle I had mostly thought of the good parts. That part is somewhat easy. So what do I hope that we’ll be able to do? So much!

New Places

I was a flight attendant in my 20’s and I saw a lot of this country, but being a domestic flight crew doesn’t allow for much time to explore. While I packed in as much as I could during each one night layover, I missed so much. But I also got great insight into places I’d like to return. 

One of those is New England. I tried to fly as many trips as I could into Providence, RI, and Manchester, NH. The best lobster bisque known to man (or maybe just flight crews because it’s at the overnight hotel) could be found in Nashua, NH and I’d like to experience that heaven again. Going for a run through neighborhoods in Providence during fall is one of my favorite memories. The beauty was like nothing I’d ever seen growing up in a desert near a town truthfully named Notrees. Even though my husband grew up in a land with all four seasons, I know that he will still appreciate the overwhelming beauty of a New England fall. And the food, oh the food.

Mackinac Island, MI
Mackinac Island, MI

There are also places that I’ve only recently learned exist. I read a book that talked about Mackinac Island, MI and it sounds like the most unique and charming community. There is no time in my life as I live it today that I would end up in Michigan again. But if we have the time to explore the country over a couple or more years, it would certainly be worth our while to make it north in the summer. After all, we plan to chase better climates and the climate of the southern US in the summer is rough.

New Experiences
Wreck of the Peter Iredale
Wreck of the Peter Iredale

I started a list of experiences I want to collect. For instance, I’ve never seen an ocean during a storm. I’ve not seen that kind of power and can only guess based on what I see in weather reports. While this may be ill-advised and overruled, I thought about camping around Fort Stevens State Park in Oregon when a storm is anticipated.

I’d like to see what those seas look like and the campgrounds seem to be far enough inland that we’d be safe. Crazy thing to do? Probably? But having spent so many weeks and months bedridden, I started to look at life as a challenge to collect as many awesome memories as I can so that I can live off of them when/if I’m ever confined to a bed again.

All of that to say, I’m excited about the prospect of truly exploring the country and I’m thrilled that I’ll be doing it with my favorite travel partner and best friend. I make him more adventurous and he makes me think things through, thus saving my life no telling how many times over the years. It’s a perfect fit.

Categories: Planning


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